Style your Mane like your Brothers of Old.

Viking Brothers of Old
What do you think of when you hear stories of Norsemen? Images of battle-hardened warriors covered in blood and thirst for more? Or men with knotted and unkempt beards? When you hear “Viking”, are you seeing a man that Hollywood wants you to see? Well, we are here to let you in on a little history lesson. Yes, Norsemen, commonly known as Vikings, were warriors and excellent fighters; however, that’s not all they did. In fact, a lot of them were farmers and family men. Ok ladies, go ahead and swoon. Yes, they were men of morals and strong faithed in their religion. But be warned, when they wanted something, they would either trade with you or fight you for it.

How Bad Did The Vikings Smell?
Could they show up at the battlefield and the enemy just fall over from the stench? On the contrary, Norsemen were more clean and better hygienic than most countries they visited or raided. One reason why Norse blood is all over the world. (I will let you fill in the blank on how that happened.) Vikings would not leave their homes until they were presentable: having a tidy beard or properly bathed. Artifacts found in burial digs found combs and items to show that they prided themselves in their cleanliness. So, why not make a beard care company based on this knowledge?
Modern Viking Beard Co. strives to look to our brothers of old and embrace their lifestyle.

Modern Viking Beard Co. was started with the need to find a beard oil that would work as hard as you do during your day. One not full of chemicals and unknowns, nor mass-produced, but a bottle of oil containing all-natural ingredients. So, back in March of 2017, Ken gathered up several different kinds of these all-natural ingredients and started experimenting on different blends of oils in his kitchen. After much trial and error, endless testing on his own beard, and several attempts down the drain, he finally found a blend that even Odin would be proud of. As time went on, Ken branched out to other all-natural products such as beard balm and shampoo.
As things grew, so did the desire to help more men with their beard-care journey. In 2019, Ken opened his first tent at a Viking festival and continues to do Renaissance festivals and other similar shows all around Ohio. In the year of 2023, the Modern Viking family has begun to venture outside of their home state on a quest to help more men with their beard journey.

Is Modern Viking
just for men? Nay nay!
Many of you may be asking, are Modern Viking products just for men? I say nay, nay, don’t worry ladies, Ken didn’t forget about the Shield Maidens, because what is a Viking without his loyal shield maiden? In 2022, Ken launched his Modern Viking Shield Maiden product line including all-natural body butter, hand balm, face scrub, lip balm, and bar soap.

All Natural Ingredients
Handmade small batch with no harsh chemicals.

Honestly Priced
Our product is both made & sold with integrity.

Manly Outdoor Scents
Smell like your brothers of old.